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Home » Azmi Foundation: NGO in Ahmedabad With All the Information

Azmi Foundation: NGO in Ahmedabad With All the Information

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  • Content
    1. Introduction
    2. About Azmi foundation and Focus/Aim
    3. How this NGO works and helps people
    4. Steps to get involved with Azmi Foundation
    5. How Your Donation Will Help Azmi Foundation
    6. Why should you donate
    7. Helping people- Videos
    8. Images

1. Introduction

India has made rapid growth in the last seven decades. Millions of people have been brought out of poverty, life expectancy has shot up, the education rate has almost tripled and people have better access to healthcare services.

However, a Large number of people still struggle to get basics such as health, shelter, education, and nutritious food. This is where NGOs come into the picture.

The job of NGOs is to remove the gaps left by the government and improve lives by providing the direct benefit (like distributing food to poor children), empowering people (spreading awareness of the importance of sending their children to school), helping underprivileged and deprived people to march ahead in life.

Now, we are going to talk about AZMI Foundation NGO.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”

– Shahbaaz Azmi

2. About Azmi Foundation


AZMI Foundation is a charitable trust or NGO which is devoted to making the world a better place. This NGO was founded on 3rd August 2018 and is located in Ahmedabad, India. Azmi foundation is led by Azmi Family.

The REG. The number of Azmi Foundation is – E/22280/A’BAD. Azmi Foundation is All India Registered. The more specific location of this NGO is Gomptipur Bridge Corner, Kamdar Maidan, Ahemdabad.

Azmi Foundation helps the vulnerable people of the Ahmedabad community by providing cash, food, clothes, and many other forms.

The main focus of the Azmi foundation is to improve the lives of everyone who needs help and bring positive change to their community by empowering education

azmi foundation certificate
Human Right Certificate To Azmi Foundation

3. How does Azmi Foundation works and Helps People?

azmi foundation helping people

Azmi foundation has four managing trustees named Dr. Azhar Azmi, Zeba Azmi, Shahbaaz Azmi, and Zakiya Azmi.

With the dedication of volunteers, staff members, and partners. They have improves the lives of everyone who needs help within the community. 

Azmi foundation spent a significant portion of its resources on tackling problems. They help directly to the needed people so that can affect a positive and quick impact on their lives.  

Want to make a positive impact in the Ahmedabad community? Click here to donate or UPI ID - azmifoundation@dbs 

4. How to get involved with this NGO?

azmi foundation contact information

It really is as simple as making a donation. No amount of time or money is too small or too large! They appreciate all the help you can provide and guarantee that it will be put to excellent use.

(If you want to help vulnerable people with time or money. You can donate online cash via UPI ID or Visit the website to make a donation monthly or one-time donation and contact them if you want to help with your time). All Information is provided.

Official Website For More Info- Open Now
Instagram page – Open Now
Live Location – Click Here
UPI ID For Donation – azmifoundation@dbs or click here to donate directly
Email id to contact –

5. How Your Donation Will Help NGO?

  • Your Donation can help the NGO to get these things for poor or needy people.
    • More clothes
    • Direct cash benefit
    • Regular Food
    • Free education for children
    • Books for children
    • Medical Facilities for family
    • You can also help them by providing your time to help needy people.
azmi foundation raising awareness
Vadud khan Pathan raising awareness of the Importance of Education

6. Why should you donate to Azmi Foundation

  1. 80G Income Tax Benefits – Your donations/contributions are eligible for up to 50% income tax benefit under section 80G
  2. Help Others in Need – We don’t live in a perfect world, and there’s never going to be a perfect time to give—but there are always people out there in need of help. Your donation can make a real difference in the world. Donate Now
  3. Motivate Friends and Family – Giving can boost your gratitude, which enhances your health, happiness, and optimism. Gratitude can also relieve stress and strengthen friendships.

    When your friends and family came to know about your charitable donations, they may find themselves more motivated to undertake their own efforts to give.
  4. Give, If You Can’t Volunteer – if you’re too busy to volunteer then you can donate your time, giving money is the perfect workaround.

    Never think that you can’t improve someone’s life or the world itself if your personal or professional schedule won’t allow the time.
  5. Manage Finance Better – When you have enough money to donate to charity, it may help you feel wealthier. Your contributions may do more than just create a feeling of wealth.

    Some experts suggest that you’re more likely to stick to a budget and manage your personal finances more effectively when you commit to regular charitable donations.

    The result could actually be greater financial wealth. Want to receive the feeling of donation? Donate Now to Azmi Foundation !! DONATE NOW

7. Helping People – Videos

You can see all the videos on Youtube. The name of the Youtube channel is Azmi Foundation.

  1. Distributing Food Video- Will Be Available Soon
  2. Distributing Clothes- Not Available Yet
  3. All Videos- Not Yet

8. Some Images

Here are some of the images where the Azmi foundation is helping people.

helping poor people
Mr Raju is giving there time as a volunteer in 1st pic and Trustee Dr Azhar Azmi helping people in 2nd and 4th Pic
Caption – Mr Irfan Chauhan distributed 1400+ food kits in lockdown
Volunteers Working hard in lockdown late night at 1:40 Am in 1ST Pic, Asadkhan Pathan, Hardik Kothari in 3rd and 4th picture


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