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Home » What is Meta Force (Forsage): Crypto Business, Real or Fake?

What is Meta Force (Forsage): Crypto Business, Real or Fake?

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Table of Content
1. What is Meta Force?
2. How to Earn in Meta Force?
3. Steps to Join Meta Force?
4. How does Meta Force Earn?
5. Full Company Details
6. Reviews: is this legal?

1. What is Meta Force?

Basically, Meta Force is a global earning project related to cryptocurrency where people can earn money and also support others to earn.

Meta Force’s business platform is available to everyone. It is a new platform for earning money online. Read next to understand fully

meta force logo

2. How to Earn in Meta Force?

Meta-Force uses network marketing model to earn. However, they don’t sell any products. This is the reason it looks like a Pyramid scheme.

There are a lot of ways to earn in Meta-Force. But the most popular way to earn is by recruiting people into this business.

You need to add people into this company to earn referral money. Apart from that, in Meta Force classic, you can get income from downline.

Downline means when a person added by you, adds others into him and so on. From this you will get some earnings.

Meta-Force also planning for future where people can earn money through NFTs, Trading, etc. Read Reviews for harsh truths.

Read More: Difference Between Network Marketing and Pyramid Scheme

3. How to Join Meta Force?

  1. Firstly you have to join through a registered person who will help you to create an account.
  2. Then, you need to buy some matic and DAI coins worth of $10 to open your account.
  3. After that, you are eligible to earn, you need to share your referral link to start earning.

4. Meta Force Business Plan?

The business plan is set up by the owner of the company. As they don’t sell any products or services.

You only need to recruit someone when any person invests his money, you will earn money. The owner of this project gets earnings from everyone.

Meta-Force works on blockchain where all the things run automatically. Basically, in blockchain, no one can change anything once its created.

This is a pyramid scheme which is illegal in most of countries. Now, in this you will also get free Force tokens (crypto) by the company when you open your account.

They works on Polygon Network where they uses DAI stable coins for the business transactions.

5. Company Details

Company NameMeta Force
Started byLado Akhotnikov
Started inJuly 2022
Deals inCryptocurrency
Works onBlockchain

Lado has created a lot of earning related projects, his last project was Forsage BUSD. This project still works now.

But his new project has more earning opportunities as compared to others. Every new project comes with more features.

6. Reviews?

Good Things

  1. In this people can earn money easily by referring for recruiting someone into this business. (but its illegal)
  2. People get their payments directly from the company so there is nothing to worry about payment.
  3. As this company uses DAI stablecoins which are backed by USDC and Ethereum. So the currency value remains constant
  4. This works on the blockchain so no one can hack or change it. It is also fully transparent and secured.

Bad Things

  1. As they don’t sell any product or services and they use other person money to to distribute others that’s why it is a pyramid scheme which is illegal in most countries.
  2. Moreover, these people target other people’s weaknesses such as their income to get recruitment to the team.
  3. Some people fakes their lifestyle to make other things and this is a good business to join
  4. Even people who work in this business and earning money. They don’t know about this pyramid scheme.
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