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How to Make Money with Blogspot (30k/Month): No Investment

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1. What is Blogspot?
2. How much you can Earn?
3. How to Earn Money with Blogspot?
4. Steps to Start Earning?
5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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1. What is Blogspot?

Blogspot is a part of Blogger is an international free hosting platform for everyone to make blogging websites. It is owned by Google.

Blogspot is a domain name which will be used in your site URL. For Example- “”.

Blogger helps to host site data which will help you to create your website. You can write any information or content on your site.

It is totally free to start. You can write anything like movie/song reviews, general information, study-related content, ideas, etc.

How to Earn Money with Blogspot

2. How Much Does a Person Can Earn Money on Blogspot (Blogger)?

In India, an average person earns ₹10,000-₹40,000/Month. To be honest, it depends on the person and his hard work.

If you want to earn money. This is a great and free source to start. To earn ₹10k every month, you need to work hard.

Anyone can earn money from this. Even, some people are earning 1 lakhs per month from this. It is just based on hard work and passion.

Read More: Earn Money By Referring to Upstox App

3. How to Make Money with Blogspot (Blogger)?

There are a number of ways to earn with Blogspot which you will get to know with the passage of time. The most common way to earn with Blogspot is by showing ads on your site.

You just need to write good content or articles on your site so that you can get good traffic (people on your site). This will help you earn money.

There are a lot of ad networks such as Adsterra, Propeller ads, Google Adsense, etc which give you money for showing the advertisement on your blogging site.

However, you can also monetize your site with affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or your business products.

Pro Tip– If you think this is difficult & you can’t start without someone else guidance. Then you can watch videos related to blogging on youtube for free.

Related Post: Other Ways to make a free website on Google

4. Steps to Start Earning with Blogspot?

Follow these below steps and start earning

  1. Create a Blogger Account
  2. Write Some Good Quality Content
  3. Get a Good Amount of Traffic
  4. Monetize Your Site
  5. Keep Writing different Content
1. How to Create a Blogspot Website

Below down are the steps to create a free Blogspot website.

  1. Open the Blogger website- Here
  2. Sign up with your Google account
  3. Then fill in your website name
  4. You’re ready to Start now

You can create new free websites as much as you want. You can change your theme if you want to change your site’s appearance.

Apart from that, you will learn all the things with the passage of time.

Full Video on Account Creation, Post Writing, etc
2. Write Some Good Quality Content

Writing good quality content means writing according to best SEO practices. By doing this you can write articles that are relevant to your niche and Google will rank your site on Page One.

You should make your own unique content. Don’t copy from others, if you do, Google will drop your site from search results.

How to Earn Money with Blogspot
3. How to Get a Good Amount of Traffic

There are an immense amount of methods available to get good traffic such as Organic traffic (from google, yahoo, etc), and social media traffic (from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, etc).

To get organic traffic, you need to increase the rank of your site on google with the help of SEO. For that, you also have to submit your site to Google.

So, Google can show it in their Search Results.

For social media traffic, just start to share your site article in relevant groups, and pages. But don’t start spamming.

4. Monetize Your Site

Now, the most important step is how to monetize your site and start earning. After opening your Blogspot account, you will see AdSense in your dashboard.

After clicking, you need to create the Adsense account and need to connect with it. Then apply for ads, if you get approval, your site will start to show ads.

As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of other methods available to monetize your site such as Placing Ads (Adsterra), Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, selling the site etc.

5. Keep Writing Different Content

Apart from the approval, you need to write more articles and posts. So that Google can make trust in your site. It will also help you to get more traffic.

As Google prefers more consistent websites than others. Who makes new articles/posts more consistently?

5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is blogger (Blogspot) owned by google?

Yes, Blogger (Blogspot) is owned and controlled by Google. Google has provided it for free to everyone. Anyone can use the free subdomain & Hs from google.

is Blogger (Blogspot) free?

Yes, It is totally free. This free platform is available for everyone. Moreover, you can earn money from it by showing advertisements, etc.

Can you earn money from Blogspot?

Yes, there are numerous ways to earn money on Blogspot (Blogger) such as by Placing Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, etc.

Is Blogspot ( good for making money?

Well, it depends upon your traffic volume. If you get a good amount of quality traffic then surely you can make a good amount of money.

Does Blogspot pay bloggers?

First of all, Blogspot is just a platform where you can create a free site. If you want to earn money then you can join Adsterra, the Propeller ads network. These networks will pay you to show their ads.

How to monetize Blogspot?

To monetize your Blogspot, you can display ads from the networks like Adsterra, Adsense, Propeller ads, etc. Moreover, you can do affiliate marketing to monetize it.

How to Increase traffic on Blogspot?

There are multiple ways available to increase traffic on websites such as organic traffic from Google, Bing, etc. Furthermore, you can use social media such as Facebook to increase traffic.

is a blogger (Blogspot) safe?

Yes, the Blogspot is 100% safe and legal. It is owned by google so there is nothing to worry about.

How much does Blogspot pay?

Blogspot doesn’t pay anything. They just provide a free platform to make a website. However, by using Ad network you can earn between 10000 to 30000 per month

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